Solar Powered Conference Center

About 8 years ago i got a video projector to try it out.  It used lots of power, made lots of heat and noise, consumed expensive bulbs and it wasn't HD... so i sold it for a fair price to a worthy organization (ISEA).

Now we have Pico Projectors that use much less power, don't require bulb replacement and are HD! 

This will be a Solar Powered Conference Center when all the parts fall in place:


Boing Boing!

Boing Boing!  Animated PNG files seems to work in FF,  not in Chrome or Safari yet.  Update: working in Chrome Version 37.0.2062.120 m.

No plugin needed, full color animated images!

It's nice to do todos:

Reward for a coding accomplishment is changing the comment from

// todo: refactor to use new API


// todone: refactor to use new API

Both can be searched with "todo", or individually with "todo:" or "todone:".

Eclipse can be configured to show todo: and todone: using different colors.